Sunday, April 12, 2020
CP 2020.04.10
Sexta, Abr. 10, 2020
Militante bolsonarista que desprezava coronavírus relata internação da avó - O Antagonista
A militante bolsonarista Camila Abdo, que desprezava os riscos da Covid-19, chamou o ministro da Saúde, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, de “hipócrita e assassino”, alegando no Twitter que, “se o remédio [hid…
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Following Storm Ciara, This Woman Captures A Once-in-a-lifetime ‘Eye Of The Storm’ Moment
Storm Ciara—referred to as Storm Sabine in some parts of Europe—swept across Ireland and the United Kingdom over the weekend of 8–9 February before thrashing the north coast of mainland Europe. Jus…
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❌Tn patriot❌🌟🌟🌟❌☇👠👒
A fortuna de D. Marisa: Lula, dá bilhão?
O juiz Carlos Henrique André Lisboa, da 1ª Vara da Família e das Sucessões, responsável pelo processo de inventário de Marisa Letícia, pediu esclarecimentos ao ex-presidente Lula sobre aplicações de …
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Edna Andrade
Nancy Pelosi Forgets to Speak into Phone at Virtual Press Conference
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suffered technical malfunctions on Thursday when she forgot to speak into the phone during a conference call with reporters. CSPAN broadcast the weekly Q&A, which was being…
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Pray Always! 🇺🇸🇮🇱
AG William Barr on the Russia investigation: 'There's something far more troubling here'
Attorney General William Barr joins Laura Ingraham for an exclusive interview on 'The Ingraham Angle.' The Russia investigation into President Trump's 2016 campaign was "one of the greatest travestie…
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Linda Suhler, PhD (Text TRUMP to 88022)
The Life Daily 2020.04.09
The Life Daily
Quinta, Abr. 09, 2020
WATCH: Ex-gay begs Canadian politicians to not ban therapy that ‘freed’ him from LGBT lifestyle
April 3, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – An ex-gay man, who formerly lived a life of homosexuality, drugs, and prostitution for 35 years, is calling on Canadian politicians to vote “No” to legislation that wou…
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Gerri Baker
11 Planned Parenthood abortion centers close in California due to coronavirus
PETITION: Urge state governors to stop abortions during coronavirus crisis Sign the petition here. April 3, 2020 (Pregnancy Help News) — Eleven Planned Parenthood locations in the state of California…
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Alaska Gov Bans Killing Babies in Abortions to Save Medical Resources to Fight Coronavirus
Add Alaska to the list of states where the governor has banned abortions along with, other non-essential medical procedures, to help fight the coronavirus by conserving medical supplies. Governor Mik…
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Internet searches for ‘prayer’ skyrocket during coronavirus crisis
April 7, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A European professor has found that throughout March, internet search queries for the keyword “prayer” and related terms such as “God” “skyrocketed” as the world went i…
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Democrat Party Kicks Out 26-Year State Legislator Because He’s Pro-Life on Abortion
When Democrats say there’s no room for pro-life people in the Democrat party, they really mean it. And Democrats in the state of Tennessee literally just removed a 26-year state legislator from the A…
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Stephen Szydlik
t 2020.04.10
terror da esquerdalha [test/beta]
Sexta, Abr. 10, 2020
Brazil's President Still Insists the Coronavirus Is Overblown. These Governors Are Fighting Back
Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro is in a class of his own. He is the only leader left in the world to reject the consensus of scientists and statisticians on the gravity of the coronavirus outbreak.…
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Troque o crêr pelo saber
Bolsonaro é vaiado ao passear em padaria de Brasília: ‘Vai pra casa!’ | Radar
Com mais de 900 mortos pelo coronavírus no Brasil e uma situação de emergência instalada em Brasília por causa da ocupação dos hospitais, Jair Bolsonaro decidiu levar todo o seu comboio para um novo …
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Kiko Azevedo #SouPTPorra 🌹
'Ninguém vai tolher meu direito de ir e vir', diz Bolsonaro ao fazer passeio em Brasília - Política - Estadão
LEIA TAMBÉM > Bolsonaro volta a contrariar Ministério da Saúde e causa aglomeração em padaria BRASÍLIA - O presidente Jair Bolsonaro aproveitou a sexta-feira da Paixão para fazer um novo tour por Bra…
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Cleber Ratel 🤖 O vírus é chinês
The Economist aponta o isolamento de Bolsonaro e fala até em "insanidade"
A mais recente edição da revista inglesa "The Economist", um dos veículos mais influentes do mundo, dedica um texto ao presidente Jair Bolsonaro. O homem é tratado como um insano. E, sim, a palavra "…
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Alice Nascentes
STF reitera que conteúdo de pregação de Bolsonaro é inconstitucional. E aí?
A cloroquina virou a tábua de salvação de Jair Bolsonaro e seus seguidores nas redes. Não o remédio propriamente, mas a suposição de que políticos e médicos mal intencionados estariam escondendo a ef…
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Sandro Couto🇧🇷🇧🇷
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