Monday, February 27, 2017
CP 2017.01.28
Sábado, Jan. 28, 2017
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Hillary Clinton received 800,000 votes from noncitizens, bolsters Trump argument, study finds
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Русский Хакер Anna⭐
Hillary Clinton garnered more than 800,000 votes from noncitizens on Nov. 8, an approximation far short of President Trump’s estimate of up to 5 million illegal voters but supportive of his charges...
Military Wife Battles 2nd Bout of Cancer After Giving Birth to Quadruplets
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Tim Gradous
On "Happening Now" Friday,Jon Scott delivered the touching story of a military family who just gave birth to quadruplets as the mother endures her second bout of cancer. Sgt. Charles Gaytan is a mi...
STF legisla ao criar "mutações constitucionais", diz jurista português
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Aminadab F Freitas
A possibilidade de criar suas próprias normas faz do Supremo Tribunal Federal a corte constitucional mais poderosa do mundo, segundo o jurista português Carlos Blanco de Morais. Para ele, de certo ...
Além de IPTU e IR, vice-prefeito não paga ISS
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mita guimaraes
RIO — A arrecadação de ISS, tributo municipal que mais gera receita para a prefeitura — R$ 5,4 bilhões em 2016, R$ 220 milhões a menos do que no ano anterior — e enfrenta período de queda devido à ...
Decenas de miles de peruanos salen a las calles contra el adoctrinamiento de género en la escuela
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Rede Defesa da Vida
Con el lema #ConMisHijosNoTeMetas (, decenas de miles de personas marcharon el viernes 27 de enero en Lima y otras ciudades de Perú contra el Currículo Nacional del Minister...
Mesmo sem prendê-lo, Sérgio Moro tirou tudo que Lula tinha. Os laranjas, os financiadores, o sítio, o triplex...
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A prisão do ex-presidente Lula será apenas o desfecho de uma sequência devastadora de danos sofridos pelo petista ao longo dos últimos dois anos e meio. Embora muito desejada por milhões de brasile...
Caiado já denunciava os esquemas de Eike nos governos de Lula e Dilma
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Durante os governos Lula e Dilma o líder do Democratas no Senado Federal Ronaldo Caiado chamou a atenção por diversas vezes da aproximação suspeita do empresário Eike Batista com o Estado brasileir...
Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia
O vídeo que chocou Benjamin Netanyahu
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March for Life vs. Women's March
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TFP Student Action
Big Joe é cercado nas ruas de Los Angeles e defende Trump
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† Ricardo Cruz †
Captain Kirk Meets Ashley Judd - F*#%-ing Hilarious!
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Truth Offends
Today I am delivering my first weekly address to the nation as President. God bless you and God bless America!
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Juanita Berguson
Planned Parenthood TX Abortion Apprentice Taught Partial-Birth Abortion to "Strive For" Intact Heads
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Juanita Berguson
Quando se trata de mim...FODA-SE!!!
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MILO At University Of Colorado Boulder: Why Ugly People Hate Me
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Jorge André
DELINGPOLE: Donald Trump is Going to Make the European Union history
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Voice of Europe
Here’s a perfect example – in which Trump’s prospective newAmbassador to the European Union, Ted Malloch, tells it like it is in an interview with Andrew Neil on the BBC’s Daily Politics show. Neil...
Story Begins To Unravel About Drowned Syrian Boy
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Truth Offends
Details about the Syrian family of the three-year old boy, who drowned as they made their way to Europe from Turkey on a small dingy, began to emerge recently and some things do not add up. Accordi...
'Never Trump' Hillary Backer to Sneak into Admin as U.S. Ambassador to India - Breitbart
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Truth Offends
ICJ lawyer drops racist police brutality claim after video footage shows no violence
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Voice of Europe
‘An Enemy Within’ – Keith Ellison exposed
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Olavo de Carvalho
Trump pledges to prioritize Christians as he freezes US refugee program
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Henry Makow
Avalanche de delações contra Lula foge do controle: para petistas, é o pior cenário possível
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Esta semana será péssima para o Partido dos Trabalhadores, em especial para o ex-presidente Lula. O juiz Sérgio Moro vai ouvir os depoimentos do publicitário Marcos Valério, na segunda-feira 12. Na...
Trump dá bronca em jornalista por cobrir Marcha das Mulheres e ignorar a Marcha pela Vida
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Rafael de Godoy
Washington, DC. – 28 jan, 2017 – Numa entrevista à ABC News durante essa semana, Trump foi interpelado sobre a Marcha das Mulheres que ocorreu no dia 21 de janeiro. E a resposta não podia ser melho...
Reflexões da Sagrada Escritura: A consciência cristã.
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Fratres in Unum
Marcha pela Vida 2017 arranca meio milhão de manifestantes e contou com discurso de Mike Pence, veja fotos
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Alex P
Governo Federal compra artistas (com dinheiro da saúde e da educação) para defender Dilma
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Helio Antunes G
Homologação de delação da Odebrecht sai até terça, apostam ministros do STF - 28/01/2017 - Poder - Folha de S.Paulo
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Luciane Lazzarin
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Luciane Lazzarin
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Luciane Lazzarin
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Cristão Brasileiro🕍
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Luciane Lazzarin
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Padre Roger Luis
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Levy Fidelix
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Levy Fidelix
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Marco Feliciano
Academia’s “New Civics” vs. Traditional American Civics
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Truth Offends
The election of Donald J. Trump to the office of the Presidency of the United States came as a body blow to leftists. Actually, such was their arrogance—their certitude that their candidate couldn’...
Bridgeport State Rep. Christina Ayala arrested on 19 voting fraud charges
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Truth Offends
HARTFORD >> State Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala, D-Bridgeport, was arrested Friday on 19 voting fraud charges. Ayala, 31, is accused of voting in local and state elections in districts she did not li...
Can't Make It to the March for Life? Follow Along Here
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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration? -
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Kattoliko Pensiero
Bombshell: At Least 25 Million Dead and Fraudulent “Registered Voters” in 2016
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Trump Trumped Obama!
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Русский Хакер Anna⭐
C4M speaks out against NI quango’s attempt to force bakery to endorse gay marriage
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Christian Institute
C4M has spoken out in defence of the family bakery being taken to court by an equality quango for upholding traditional marriage. Spokeswoman Dr Sharon James said: “Equality law should not be used ...
Lonko Juana Calfunao fue detenida por Carabineros tras cortar caminos en Cunco |
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Fernando Rodríguez ™
#incendiosforestales Sigue las noticias aquí Lonko Juana Calfunao fue detenida por Carabineros tras cortar caminos en Cunco 15:37 Calfunao, con ayuda de terceros, cortaron un árbol de 20 metros de ...
5 Ways to Keep Grinding Even When You Aren't Motivated
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Matthew Aubert
Detenidos seis jóvenes marroquíes por robar un coche y atropellar a un anciano
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Madridista y Español
Thousands get a taste of Chinese Spring Festival in Washington - Xinhua
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🇧🇷Mauro Santos🍺🐓
Say Cheers to 2016's Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers
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Matthew Spark
Trump Administration Releases Map Of Proposed Border Wall
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Henry Makow
I've had an idear on how to deal w/ northern Mexico for over a decade. Here goes...see whutchya'll think. Just annex northern Mexico. Tell Mexico that since they can't control northern Mexico from...
50 Times Mother Nature's Wind Gusts Blessed Us With Some Epic Booty Shots
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ReaL Couples
25 Terrifying Things That Can Happen To Your Penis If You Aren't Careful
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ReaL Couples
50 Naughty Bubble Butt Pics of Kristina Rose Guaranteed To Make Your Knees Weak
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Pornstars Reveal The Horrifying Truth About The Adult Film Industry - #16 Will Shock You!
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50 Revealing Photos of Madison Ivy That Are So Hot They'll Melt Your Brain
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ReaL Couples
Arte & Entretenimento
Curtindo a Vida Adoidado, A Lagoa Azul e muito mais: os 10 maiores clássicos da Sessão da Tarde
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Emerson de Oliveira
Exibida desde o ano de 1974, a Sessão da Tarde se tornou uma das mais tradicionais faixas de exibição de filmes na história de nossa TV. A seguir, relembre os 10 maiores clássicos da atração! 1 - C...
Meet the Jews in the Trump administration
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Henry Makow
Quebec man who fathered children with his daughter gets 15 years
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Truth Offends
BREAKING : Chuck Todd Finally Admits the Media Tried to Help Hillary
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Top 25 Hottest Female MMA Fighters
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ReaL Couples
‘You’re gonna see a hell like you never dreamt’ – Cher is terrified by Trump
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RNR Georgia
Arte & Entretenimento
FINALLY, It Begins: 90 Somalis, 2 Kenyans DEPORTED From US After Trump Takes Office - The Geller Report
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Somalis pose a particular threat to the homeland. Minnesota has its own Little Mogadishu is a hotbed of jihad terror activity (more here) . It Begins… 90 Somalis, 2 Kenyans Deported From US After T...
Trump firma decreto para evitar entrada de terroristas a EE.UU
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Mario Uac Temuco
Czech President's Spokesman: "Trump Protects His Country, Exactly What EU Elites Do Not Do" - Breitbart
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Voice of Europe
Agenzia Fides - ASIA/SIRIA - Trump:stop all'ingresso in USA da 7 Paesi islamici. Ma per lui l'accoglienza dei “cristiani perseguitati” è “una priorità”
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Kattoliko Pensiero
NAACP Vows to Oppose Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation - Breitbart
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Scott Barbour
In an interview on CNN, Cornell William Brooks, president and CEO of the NAACP, insisted that his organization would“resist” the president’s investigation into fraud during the 2016 election. “The ...
Trudeau says Canada will take refugees banned by U.S.
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Anthony Einzig
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