Tuesday, February 28, 2017
CP 2017.01.27 wo
Sexta, Jan. 27, 2017
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“El muro de la vergüenza” construido por México en su frontera con Guatemala
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Wambert Di Lorenzo
El 7 de julio de 2014, tres meses antes de que Yader corriera por entre los recovecos de una montaña para evitar ser “cazado” por delincuentes y autoridades, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto presen...
Almost half of refugees in Austria think religious law most important
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Voice of Europe
Almost half of refugees in Austria think religious law is more important than that of the country in which they live, according to a study published today. The study of 900 migrants, by theAustrian...
Libs Who Want To Move To Canada Blocked By Its Strict Immigration Policies
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Truth Offends
Liberals seeking to move to Canada because they are unhappy with the election results are finding that Canada won’t take them because its immigration policies exclude those who won’t contribute to ...
Trump administration debates designating Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist group
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Juanita Berguson
WASHINGTON A debate is under way in the Trump administration about whether the United States should declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and subject it to U.S. sanctions, accordi...
Britain's Theresa May is here and Winston (Churchill) is back
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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
In September of 1939, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appointed Churchill as First Lord of the Admiralty for the War Cabinet. The message “WINSTON IS BACK” was signaled to all naval ships and in...
Twitter Bans Prominent User After He Questions EU Official on Islam
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Paul Joseph Watson
Twitter has suspended the account of prominent YouTuber Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) after he tweeted a question at an EU official asking whether there was a link between Islamic immigration and...
Turkey vows to cancel migrant deal if coup suspects not extradited from Greece
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Voice of Europe
The soldiers – three majors, three captains and two sergeant majors – fled to Greece by helicopter in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt in July of 2016 and asked for political asylum, as the...
Francesco: basta violenze e persecuzioni contro i cristiani
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Kattoliko Pensiero
I cristiani sono chiamati a testimoniare l’amore di Cristo anche di fronte alle violenze e persecuzioni. E’ quanto affermato da Papa Francesco nell’udienza ai membri della Commissione mista Interna...
The True Women’s March Wasn’t Last Saturday
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By now, you’ve seen the recent headlines from the so-called “women’s march” in Washington, D.C. — you know, the one which supposedly “spoke for all women,” yet many women weren’t invited to join. W...
Donald Trump visitará el Pentágono para acelerar la lucha contra ISIS
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Ciro Sanches Zibordi
El presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, visitará este viernes el Pentágono con la intención de aumentar los poderes presidenciales en la lucha contra el autodenominado Estado Islámico (EI) y ac...
Women Who Started Feminism Would Have Joined The March For Life
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Last week’s pro-abortion Women’s March on Washington was bigly by any measure but did not represent all women, probably not even the majority of women, as a very insightful Canadian columnist expla...
Sri Lanka – Dans un contexte de tensions ethniques et religieuses, une « Année saint Joseph Vaz » – InfoCatho
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Obs Christianophobie
La Conférence des évêques catholiques du Sri-Lanka a déclaré l’année 2017« l’Année Saint Joseph Vaz ». « L’apôtre du pays », premier saint autochtone connu pour ses vertus de réconciliation et de c...
Trump signs executive order for 'extreme vetting' of refugees
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Bryan Fischer
President Trump on Friday continued his crackdown on illegal immigration, signing sweeping new orders that tighten the country’s refugee and visa policies –suspending almost all refugee admissions ...
Prime Minister's speech to the Republican Party conference 2017 - Speeches - GOV.UK
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Christian Institute
Majority Leader McConnell, Mr Speaker, distinguished members of the Senate and Representatives of the House. I would like to thank Congress and the Congressional Institute for the invitation to be ...
Papa Francisco: Sangre de los mártires nos llama a la unión de todos los cristianos
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VATICANO, 27 Ene. 17 / 07:54 am (ACI).- Los mártires marcan el camino hacia la unidad de los cristianos, aseguró el Papa Francisco el 27 de enero, en el discurso que dirigió a los miembros de la Co...
Movimiento de mujeres se manifiesta fuera del Congreso: El proyecto de aborto nos deshumaniza
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La mañana de este miércoles, el movimiento de mujeres “Reivindica”, junto a embarazadas, realizaron una manifestación en las afueras del Congreso Nacional en contra de la ley que busca despenalizar...
When the Left Glorifies Violence Against People It Dislikes, Trump Wins
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Alex P
A lot of people experience a sense of visceral joy when someone they hate gets punched in the face. But there's a body of social science research that suggests they won't like the long-term public ...
Peru and Colombia vow to stand with Mexico after row with Trump
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Severe Conservative
LIMA Peru and Colombia vowed to stand with Mexico as the country faces an uncertain economic future and grapples with a crisis with the United States just days into U.S. President Donald Trump's ad...
Trump: Islamic State are 'sneaky, dirty rats'
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Nancy ن
US President Mr Trump told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity that the Islamic extremists were "evil that lurks around the corner without the uniforms". He appeared to be comparing the situation to Wo...
Your questions on Trump's wall answered by Anthony Zurcher - BBC News
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Valentinos ORPHANOS
President Donald Trump says there will be "immediate construction of a border wall" between the US and Mexico. The border is about 1,900 miles (3,100km) long. We asked you to send in your questions...
Trump's hopes for Syria safe zones may force decision on Assad
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Nancy ن
WASHINGTON President Donald Trump's push to create safe zones in Syria could force him to make some risky decisions about how far to go to protect refugees, including shooting down Syrian or Russia...
Outrage: Germany to Observe Holocaust Remembrance Day while Funding Anti-Israel NGO
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According to the UN, Palestinian refugees belong to a special legal group sanctioned by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), whose refugee status is inherited, so that children born ...
Trump e la Marcia per la Vita, uniti contro l'aborto
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Il Bene vincerà
Dopo otto anni di feroce anticlericalismo, di scomparsa della fede dall’agone pubblico, di silenzio sui cosiddetti “principi non negoziabili”, ci si era quasi rassegnati e sembrava impossibile l'op...
China displays new version of bomber ahead of national holiday
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Jan. 27 (UPI) -- China is drawing attention to its indigenous fighter-bomber, the Xian JH-7, also known as the Jianhong-7, ahead of one of its biggest national holidays. On Friday, state-owned news...
Here's what I think Obama is planning now, and what we must do to stop him - Allen B. West -
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I find it very interesting — no entertaining — that the left is going abjectly apoplectic over the fact that in less than a week, President Trump is doing what he said he would do. It’s as if they ...
A prisión la anarquista detenida en Vigo con pistolas manipuladas
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Dos personas fueron detenidas el pasado martes en el marco de un operativo que se desarrolló entre las localidades de Vigo y de Mos. Bajo el nombre de «operación Buyo», los agentes del Servicio de ...
Imputado por presunto entrenamiento militar cumplía condena en libertad - LA TERCERA
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Chile sin comunistas
Uno de los dos detenidos por el delito de presunto entrenamiento de milicia privada en La Araucanía, identificado como H.M.L., ya contaba con antecedentes penales. En diciembre de 2015, el Tribunal...
International Media Seminar Series: Journalists at Risk in Turkey
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Index on Censorship
Following Doughty Street Chambers and Reporters Without Borders (RSF)’s first very successful event in our International Media Defence Seminars, we are pleased to invite you to our second event foc...
Clamoroso: l’editore di Die Zeit paventa l’omicidio di Trump. I tedeschi vogliono il Presidente USA morto? URGONO PROVVEDIMENTI
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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
La verità supera la fantasia. Durante un seguìto programma TV tedesco, ARD Presseclub, l’editore oltre che docente della più importante testata giornalistica tedesca (Die Zeit) arriva a paventare l...
BREAKING: U.S. Border Patrol Makes Massive Announcement About Trump's Wall
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The head of one of America’s largest Border Patrol union locals came out for President Trump’s proposed border wall in an interview with Breitbart, saying that it “will be effective.” Hector Garza ...
Kermit Gosnell and the Ideology of Abortion on Demand
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Ryan T. Anderson
How unusual is Kermit Gosnell? That is the question that comes unbidden to mind when reading Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, a new book about the case of Dr. Gos...
Las FARC, el Foro de San Paulo y compañía van por toda Latinoamérica
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Elizabeth Rivera
“En los 70 no hubo guerra civil ni genocidio, sino insurgencia y contrainsurgencia” En “Los años 70 a fondo”, Pablo Anzaldi da voz a los protagonistas y formula un novedoso enfoque de esa etapa, en...
Feds Blame “Lapse in Vetting” for Admitting Syrian Refugees with Terrorist Ties into U.S. - Judicial Watch
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Days Of Trump
Dozens of Syrian refugees already living in the Unites States may have ties to terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is downplaying it, claiming federal agents missed “possible de...
53 Years After JFK Assassination and CIA Admits this Conspiracy THEORY is Actually FACT
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This is Why Trump
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas. It’s been 53 years since the assassinat...
‘Europeans don’t need Russians to tell them the EU isn’t working’ – George Galloway
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Voice of Europe
The EU is expanding a task force aimed at fighting alleged Russian propaganda. The decision comes ahead of elections in major European states and fears of external meddling. The EU’s StratCom Task ...
Vietnam – Multiplication des arrestations de dissidents et blogueurs – InfoCatho
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Obs Christianophobie
Ces derniers temps, divers observateurs ont dénoncé le relâchement de la surveillance de la situation des droits de l’homme au Vietnam. Certaines instances internationales ont tendance à faire preu...
BOOM: It Only Took General Mattis 1 Day... Now ISIS Knows Why They Call Him 'Mad Dog'
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Pepe Norsu
They don’t call him James “Mad Dog” Mattis for nothing. The new secretary of defense spent his first full day on the job Saturday overseeing 31 military strikes against the Islamic State in Iraq an...
BBC is 'Worse than a Whore' - Russian TV SLAMS Trump 'Documentary'
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Henry Makow
Russian media are having a field day with the recent BBC Documentary entitled 'Trump: The Kremlin Candidate', which aired a couple of weeks ago in the UK. The 30 minute oeuvre is a work of comic ge...
Fillon 'cooperating' in embezzlement inquiry into Welsh wife's work record | Euronews
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Voice of Europe
French presidential contender François Fillon has said he’s assisting the prosecutor’s office with its investigation into his wife’s work record. A preliminary inquiry was launched after satirical ...
Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Is Accused Of ANOTHER Sex Trafficking Case Involving Girls As Young As 13!
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All American Girl
According to an article in the Daily Mail,long time friend of Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, is being accused of luring a young woman into his elaborate sex trafficking enterprise by making false p...
Trump sends major signal to March for Life: We're with you
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When throngs of abortion protesters convene Friday for the annual March for Life, they will enjoy the warmest show of White House support in the event's four-decade history. Vice President Mike Pen...
Justice Minister resigns over accusations of covering up drug dealer payout
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Voice of Europe
Justice Minister Ard van der Steur resigned his position following a hearingin parliament Thursday night where angry politicians accused him of withholding information from MPs. He is the fourth po...
UK: Sharia court hands down sentence approving of honor killing
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Political Islam
It happened right on British soil. This is momentous, but not an aberration. It happened in a British Sharia court in Lancashire. The Plaintiff had been “disrespected” (i.e., dishonored) by a neigh...
News | American Center for Law and Justice
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Mia Rhode
Earlier this week, in a 238-183 vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 7 – the No Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Act . This is a significant, bipartisan step forward for the pro-life mov...
Czech President: We Do Not Want Muslims Because They Refuse To Integrate » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
Germany has been trying to force Eastern Europe to take Muslims into their nations against their will. Poland, Hungary, and Slovakia have been speaking out, and now Czech Republic President Milos Z...
Academics claim Muslim population in Scotland is set to double
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Voice of Europe
Read more: Muslim mother and daughter to be first hijab wearing police officers in Scotland Dr Khadijah Elshayyal, from Edinburgh University, who wrote a report called Scottish Muslims in Numbers, ...
The Holocaust and the Misdirected Criticism of a Brazilian Jew against Conservatives in Europe and America
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Last Days Watchman
The Holocaust and the Misdirected Criticism of a Brazilian Jew against Conservatives in Europe and America Today is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, when the world stops to remember the...
It’s time we ‘gagged’ the global abortion movement’s attack on Africans
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January 26, 2017 (Culture of Life Africa) -- This week President Donald Trump made headlines by reinstating the Mexico City Policy which was repealed by President Obama 8 years ago. This policy was...
Decenas de ONG piden que el Tribunal de la Haya investigue el genocidio islamista contra los cristianos
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La secretaría de Estado húngara para los cristianos perseguidos acoge una cumbre de organizaciones no gubernamentales en Budapest para abordar la tragedia de los cristianos perseguidos en el mundo....
Muslim writer says calling someone “kafir” is announcing a death sentence, calls Trump “kafir”
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Robert Spencer
Haroon Moghul is, as I noted yesterday, one of the most ridiculous exponents of the “Islamophobia” victimhood propaganda industry, and he has shown himself to be many times. Obsessed with victimhoo...
Putin & Trump may discuss sanctions – senior White House aide
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Voice of Europe
The sanctions imposed by the US after Crimea joined Russia in 2014 are likely to be discussed by the US and Russian presidents, Trump’s aide Kellyanne Conway said on Fox News's “Fox & Friends” prog...
Killing people saves money, says Canadian study - The Christian Institute
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Orlando Braga
The legalisation of assisted suicide could save more than $100 million per year for the Canadian health care system, an alarming study has claimed. Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party passed assisted su...
Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia
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