Tuesday, February 28, 2017
LibeExp 2017.01.29 wo
Domingo, Jan. 29, 2017
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Travellers 'turned away' after Trump visa halt
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Paul Joseph Watson
The US President who had promised the measures - called "extreme vetting" - during last year's election campaign, said he was making America safe from "radical Islamic terrorists" as he signed the ...
Custom officials enforcing Trump immigration ban at US airports
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Customs officials began detaining travelers to the U.S. hours after President Trump signed an executive order suspending visa entry into the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries, according to ...
Trump sets 5-year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials
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Paul Joseph Watson
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump acted Saturday to fulfill a key portion of his pledge to "drain the swamp" in Washington, banning administration officials from ever lobbying the U.S. on behalf ...
65 Percent Of Syrian Refugees Can’t Read Or Write, Join Workforce
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Chauvinist Pigs
Nearly two-thirds of Syrian refugees are illiterate, which leaves hundreds of thousands of new arrivals without the ability to get a job. Ludger Woessmann, a professor of economics at the Universit...
BREAKING: Federal Judge Blocks Trump Immigration Ban Nationwide
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Lincoln Rodrigues
The federal court for the Eastern District of New York has reportedly issued an emergency stay halting President Trump’s recent executive order that calls for the removalfrom the United States of i...
Trump cuts program created to help Jewish immigrants, leaving non-Muslim Iranians stranded - U.S. News
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Austria has shut its door to about 300 non-Muslim Iranians hoping to use the country as a way station before establishing new homes in the United States, The Associated Press has learned. The actio...
Homeland Confirms Trump Immigration Ban Will Include Green-Card Holders
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WND News
With the world (apart from Israel) in uproar over President Trump's decision to ban immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, Department of Homeland Security official Gillian Christensen ju...
Inside the confusion of the Trump executive order and travel ban
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Brian Cates
The result was widespread confusion across the country on Saturday as airports struggled to adjust to the new directives. In New York, two Iraqi nationals sued the federal government after they wer...
Trump suspende programa de refugiados de EEUU - Actualidad Venezuela
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La Asociación de Abogados de Inmigración Estadounidenses dijo que prohibiría el ingreso de ciudadanos de Irak, Irán, Siria, Sudán, Yemen, Libia y Somalia El presidente Donald Trump suspendió durant...
New California Gun Control Law Thwarted By Clever Inventors, $10 Part
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I Hate The Media
A California man has invented a simple part he hopes to sell for $10 that thwarts draconian (and blatantly unconstitutional) new “assault weapons” law. New gun laws in California have gun enthusias...
Hungarian Government To Train 3,000 "Border Hunters"
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Voice of Europe
Hungarian law states that a mere fifteenasylum seekers are allowed into the central European country per day and the government is looking to boost the number of border agents to maintain tight sec...
The War on Terror Myth & Trump's #MuslimBan in one image - The Libertarian Institute
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Supposedly Trump’s recent executive order has something to do with “radical Islamic terrorists”and even invokes 9/11 multiple times, yet… The so-called War on Terror has always had much more to do ...
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Our President🇺🇸
Anti-American Democrats refuse to accept that the American people at large have said a rotund “no” to the destructive anti-American globalist policies of the Democratic ex-president. The anti-Ameri...
Saudi Prince Calls Trump "Disgrace," But Then Does THIS to Refugees
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A sleazy and hypocritical Saudi prince called 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump a “disgrace” over his proposal to institute a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration, reported Reuters...
Pakistan: Muslims Rape Woman, Torch House
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O. Bula Escobar
Rehmat Masih, the owner of the Christian home and father of the rape victim, Sajida, “knocked every door for justice to lodge report [sic] against Muslim rapists but due to their influence and cont...
[WATCH] Welcome to Greece
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Free Syria Media Hub
A group of people walking through the fields caught Vasilis Tsartsanis’s eye as he passed the railroad that connects Greece to the rest of the Balkans. It was a warm September day in 2014, outside ...
Stop Importing Jihadists- A Policy Prescription
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Deplorable Milo 🇺🇸
The danger posed by the Global Jihad is immediate and deadlyand our government should take all possible precautions to keep Americans safe. The Center for Security Policy (CSP) released the Secure ...
Trump and Putin have first official phone conversation amid European anxiety about future relations
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My President 🏛🇺🇸
President Trump made a flurry of phone calls to world leaders Saturday as hebegan shaping his new administration’s foreign policy, but none was as anxiously anticipated as the first official presid...
Congresswoman Returns From Syria With ‘Proof’ Obama Funded ISIS
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KennyBee #No2EU
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbardwent to Syria on a secret fact-finding mission to wade through the lies and propaganda and find out what is really happening on the ground. Immediately on her return CNN ...
Em até 30 dias, Trump quer plano para derrotar Estado Islâmico |
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Em seu agitado sábado, com direito a decretocontra imigrantes muçulmanos e telefonemas para diversos líderes mundiais, o presidente americano Donald Trump assinou uma ordem executiva com instruções...
Thousands of people are protesting Trump’s immigration order at airports across America
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Jeffrey Levin
On Friday, Donald Trump signed a controversial executive order that blocks immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States — including legal permanent residents, com...
The Inside Story of How John Kerry Secretly Lobbied to Get CAIR Removed From UAE's Terrorist Organization List
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Nancy ن
On Nov. 16, 2014, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) took the unusual step of designating the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Muslim American Society (MAS) – as terrorist organiza...
An emergency court hearing has been called to challenge Trump’s executive order
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Jeffrey Levin
Barely 24 hours after President Trump signed an executive order barring nearly all refugees, and immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries, from entering the United States, the federal govern...
Israel's Netanyahu hails Trump decision on Mexico wall
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The Paper
Genghis: Here’s some real news for the fake news purveyors over at the New York Times: the US isn’t responsible for anxiety about Muslim refugees. Who is actually responsible? People such as Somali...
Revealed: Saudi Arabia's 'Great Wall' to keep out Isil - Telegraph
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When a raiding party from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant attacked a Saudi border post last week, it was no mere hit on a desert outpost. The jihadists were launching an assault on the new, hi...
Trump Has Suspended Due Process for Muslims in America. This Is a Constitutional Crisis.
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Algernon Fross
The United States government is certain that Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi does not pose a security threat to the country. That’s why it granted Alshawi, an Iraqi, a visa to come to America and...
Papa Francisco: Sangre de los mártires nos llama a la unión de todos los cristianos
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VATICANO, 27 Ene. 17 / 07:54 am (ACI).- Los mártires marcan el camino hacia la unidad de los cristianos, aseguró el Papa Francisco el 27 de enero, en el discurso que dirigió a los miembros de la Co...
Judge Him on His Actions, Not on What We Fear
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LoriGirl★μολών λαβέ
GLENN: Okay. Let’s judge him on his actions, not what we fear. Can we do that? GLENN: So just on this action, not what we fear — because what I fear is the same thing you fear: We start putting up ...
United Nations opposes Trump refugee order
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O. Bula Escobar
Officials at the United Nations opposed President Trump's decision to contract the U.S. refugee resettlement program and deny visas to individuals from several countries affected by terrorism. "We ...
"Immoral," "stupid," and "counterproductive": National security experts slam Trump's "Muslim ban"
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Jeffrey Levin
Despite a decade of working to help America in Iraq, Hameed Khalid Darweesh was welcomed to the United States with handcuffs. Darweesh had received a special immigrant visa on January 20 for his wo...
Obama’s administration made the “Muslim ban” possible and the media won’t tell you
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Captain Sunshine™
I was outraged by the ban on refugees from war-torn countries in the Middle East. I’ve covered refugees fleeing war in Iraq and Syria over the last two years, meeting families on the road in Greece...
Belgian Muslims Are Indicted for Hate Chants
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Kevin J. Taylor
(JTA) — Three men were indicted in Belgium for chanting in Arabic at an anti-Israel rally about a site where Muslims are believed to have massacred Jews centuries ago. Two organizers of the Antwerp...
Ella es la mujer católica que ocultó a Ana Frank en la Segunda Guerra Mundial
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REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 26 Ene. 17 / 08:13 pm (ACI).- “No soy un héroe”, escribió la holandesa Miep Gies en la primera frase del prólogo del libro que escribió acerca de sus experiencias dando refugio a...
Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees
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Justin Raimondo
Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to F...
Trump e Putin coordenam ações contra o Estado Islâmico
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O Kremlin afirmou que o presidente da Rússia, Vladimir Putin, e o presidente dos Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, concordaram em trabalhar mais juntos para impulsionar os laços entre as duas potências...
Papa: estamos llamados a ofrecer juntos la paz de Cristo al mundo herido
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(RV).- Ante el odio y la violencia que genera más violencia, testimoniemos juntos a Jesús y su mensaje de paz, que no es un mensaje genérico. Es la exhortación que reiteró al Papa Francisco a los m...
Asesinan a joven misionera polaca en Bolivia
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LA PAZ, 26 Ene. 17 / 11:16 am (ACI).- La joven misionera Helena Agnieszka Kmiec, de 26 años de edad y originaria de Polonia, fue encontrada muerta la madrugada del martes 24 en la localidad de Paca...
SHOCK VIDEO : Tulsi Stuns CNN by Exposing that Syrians Told Her Obama Armed ISIS
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On Wednesday Tulsi Gabbard returned from a trip to Syria, which she described as a “fact-finding” mission and did not previously make public. Gabbard ‘s press office stated that she met with Syria’...
Alemania: "La 'eutanasia' nazi es una perversión del juramento hipocrático"
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Alemania ha llamado este viernes a rescatar del olvido a las 300.000 víctimas de la eutanasia practicada por el régimen nazi en personas enfermas y discapacitadas, y recordó que la muerte de muchas...
Decenas de ONG piden que el Tribunal de la Haya investigue el genocidio islamista contra los cristianos
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La secretaría de Estado húngara para los cristianos perseguidos acoge una cumbre de organizaciones no gubernamentales en Budapest para abordar la tragedia de los cristianos perseguidos en el mundo....
Papa Francisco: Que nunca se olvide el sufrimiento de las víctimas del holocausto
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VATICANO, 27 Ene. 17 / 11:15 am (ACI).- “Hoy deseo recordar con el corazón a todas las víctimas del holocausto. ¡Que sus sufrimientos y sus lágrimas no sean olvidados nunca!”. Con este mensaje publ...
Esto no es un ser humano, y tampoco una pipa de fumar
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La cultura delaborto pone en el punto de mira las ecografías de bebés; Donald Trump ordena construir el muro en la frontera con México; el abogado de Asia Bibi es pesimista con la libertad religios...
Como el Santo Cura Brochero no tengan vergüenza de ser discípulos de Jesús, alienta Nuncio
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CÓRDOBA, 28 Ene. 17 / 06:25 pm (ACI).- El 26 de enero se cumplieron 103 años del fallecimiento de San José Gabriel del Rosario Brochero, por ese motivo el Nuncio Apostólico en Argentina, Mons. Emil...
Falacias, argumentos frívolos y desinformación rodean debate de aborto en Chile, denuncian
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SANTIAGO, 26 Ene. 17 / 06:38 pm (ACI).- El 25 de enero la Cámara del Senado de Chile aprobó que el proyecto de ley de aborto pase a discusión en particular en su segundo trámite legislativo, avance...
Trump Vs Zuckerberg - Objects To Paying Americans To Work US Jobs
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Don Mashak
One of the world’s richest men, the Palo Alto parasite, got that way by having a great idea, better timing, screwing American workers out of jobs and “somehow” convincingCongressmen to give him all...
Putin y Trump acuerdan luchar juntos contra el terrorismo yihadista en Siria
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Inicio > Internacionales | Publicado el Sabado, 28 de Enero del 2017 Putin y Trump acuerdan luchar juntos contra el terrorismo yihadista en Siria Noticias Relacionadas: Trump, Contra, Lucha, Putin,...
El aborto llega a Chile, con la ayuda de la democracia cristiana
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Por 20 votos a favor, 15 en contra y 2 abstenciones el Senado de Chile aprobó una iniciativa del gobierno de Michelle Bachelet para despenalizar el aborto en el país en tres causales, pero que en l...
En Venezuela ya hay un baño de sangre, lamenta Expresidente del Episcopado
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REDACCIÓN CENTRAL, 28 Ene. 17 / 12:41 pm (ACI).- El Arzobispo de Maracaibo y Expresidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana (CEV), Mons. Ubaldo Santana, afirmó que “en Venezuela hay ya un baño...
What Nazi Propaganda Can Teach Us about ISIS
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In 1924, Adolf Hitler described propaganda as "a terrible weapon in the hands of an expert." For two decades, the Nazis showed the world what a devastating weapon it could be. They won over million...
Trump’s Exclusion of Aliens from Specific Countries Is Legal
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Bryan Fischer
On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order calling for heightened vetting of certain foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States. The order temporarily suspends entry by...
liberdade de expressão; livre comunicação; free speech; libertad de expresión; contra censura; against censorship; liberdade religiosa; religious freedom
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