Sunday, April 23, 2017
CP 2017.03.24 wo
Sexta, Mar. 24, 2017
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12 Pieces of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up
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Wayne J
What I am about to present to you is what really happened. All the proof is linked below, but what I'm about to do is what I call "Revealing the Matrix," showing you the truth backed by incontrover...
Intelligence Expert: Obama Committed Surveillance Crimes – Should be Jailed (Video)
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Dykstra Dame
A massive amount of data on 47 hard drives from a government whistle blower was turned over to the Freedom Watch group recently. The information proves Obama and company spied on everyone. Via The ...
9 in 10 Gang Rapists In Sweden Have Foreign Origins
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Wayne J
The information comes from a Swedish website “Gang Rape Sweden” which has kept tabs on the various instances of group rape that have occurred in the country over a period from 2011 to 2015. The sit...
Mayor Sadiq Khan Says London 'Safest Global City', Slams Donald Trump Junior
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Josh Speed
The statement wasmade to Bloomberg moments before a vigil in Trafalgar Square held to remember the victims of Wednesday’s terror attack. Giving an interview to CNN on the same evening, Mr. Khan als...
Former Muslim Tells Liberals That “Tolerance” Will Get Them All KILLED
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Steve Sanchez
It’s no secret that the leftist liberals believe themselves to be champions of peace, love, tolerance, and equal rights for minorities and women. In reality, they are the exact opposite of all of t...
Canada Shoots Sanity in the Face, Passes Motion Against 'Islamophobia'...
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Ah, Canada, we thought you were on our side. Alas, we are confused now as the Canadian Parliament has passed a motion to condemn “Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrim...
Migrant boat sinks off Turkish coast 'drowning 11' - BBC News
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Igor Miguel
Eleven people have drowned as a boat carrying migrants sank off western Turkey, local media report. Nine people were rescued and two suspected smugglers detained, after the inflatable boat capsized...
BREAKING : "Day Without Women" Leader Convicted of Terrorism Loses US Citizenship, and is Deported
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Rasmea Odeh is the Palestinian woman who was convicted of a terrorist bombing that killed two young Israeli men. She is also the new “face” of the liberal’s anti-Trump “feminist resistance,” and wa...
Botched home invasion ends with suspect dead, another behind bars
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The Billie Williams
A 30-year-old man is dead after he and an accomplice orchestrated a home invasion in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, last week only to discover the homeowner was armed with a gun. The county coroner...
BREAKING : Mark Levin Calls for an Investigation of Barack Obama
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Conservative radio host Mark Levin, one of the first people to bring Obama’s “shadow government” to light, is now calling for an investigation of Barack Hussein Obama. On Wednesday, House Intel Cha...
Dieciocho países de la OEA piden una sesión sobre Venezuela el próximo martes
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ConTEXTO Cristão
(Washington, Estados Unidos. EFE).- La Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) convocó hoy dos sesiones extraordinarias para la próxima semana sobre Venezuela, una el lunes para recibir a su canci...
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Republicans from Montana fought to prohibitSharia Law bill, and they won! Senate Bill 97, which bans Sharia Law from their state, passed in a straight party line vote of 56-44. Montana Democrats wh...
FBI has info suggesting Trump aides ‘coordinated with Russia to damage Clinton campaign’
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Josh Speed
The FBI has reportedly obtained information suggesting thataides of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to coordinate the release of information to damage Hillary ...
Worst Food Crisis Since WW2: Global Famine Begins UN Announces | Food and Farming
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We always knew that this would start happening. Earlier this month, I wrote about the severe economic problems that are plaguing South America, but up to this point I have neglected to discuss the ...
La bufala di Caesar sui "crimini di Assad" a cui crede ormai solo Formigli
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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
La grottesca puntata di Piazza Pulita che ha cercato di convincere Razzi (e gli spettatori) dei “crimini di Assad” affidandosi al libro flop “La Macchina della Morte” Notizia presa dal sito www.Lan...
Collapse of Trust in the West: Paul Craig Roberts | Opinion - Conservative
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Just asPresident Putin has stated that gov ernments and media in the West have destroyed Russia’s trust in the West, the governments and media in the West have destroyed the trust of their citizens...
Trump contra mundum: POTUS enfrenta la ira de los medios de comunicación por derrotar al partido Demócrata
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Elizabeth Rivera
George W. Bush en 2006 presentó al Senado de Estados Unidos la «Secure Fence Act[i]» en que se propone la ampliación de la barrera física en la frontera con México. Dos de los senadores demócratas ...
UN Israel 'apartheid' report: Richard Falk's UK talks are cancelled
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Index on Censorship
Two British universities cancelled talks by international law professor Richard Falk this week after he co-authored a UN-commissioned report that concluded Israel is an “apartheid state”. A Falk pr...
London False Flag: Here's Who and Why They Staged Terror Attacks Outside of Parliament | Terrorism
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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today “There’s no question that those terrorist attacks right next to the seat of British power were conducted to quickly chang...
After London terror attack Katie Hopkins says we can't go on like this
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Hands held high, making hearts to the heavens. Showing the slaughtered they were not forgotten. Reminding themselves they were here with love. Looking to show humanity wins. That love conquers all....
GLAZOV: Castro’s Torture of American POWs in Vietnam: An Untold Story - Breitbart
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Lorence Hud
What has gone virtually unreported, however, is the direct and instrumental role Castro played in the torture and murder of American POWs in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The story of Castro’s at...
Pub where London terrorist met ex is now Islamic centre
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Voice of Europe
In the early 1990s Adrian Elms met Jane Harvey in a pub in Tunbridge Wells and romance quickly blossomed. Now MailOnline can reveal that the Roebuck Inn where the eventual terrorist wooed the mothe...
Portavoz CEE sobre colegio atacado por lobby LGTB: “No pasemos a inquisiciones laicas”
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Rafael Ruiz
MADRID, 30 Sep. 16 / 09:30 am (ACI).- El portavoz de la CEE, preguntado sobre la petición de la asociación LGTB Arcópoli a la Comunidad de Madrid para que retirara la subvención al Colegio Juan Pab...
'JIHAD 1' personalized license plate allowed in Missouri
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Truth Offends
A personalized license plate that reads 'JIHAD 1' has been allowed in the state of Missouri. A St Louis news station was contacted by a viewer who spotted the license plate and found it 'insulting'...
Trolls al rescate de PPK | EL MONTONERO
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Utilizando la estrategia de social media de Susana Villarán La faceta más penosa de la tragedia que vivimos es que ni siquiera ante estos percances podemos lograr la unidad nacional. Somos incapace...
Día Internacional de la Vida / Barcelona
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Han pasado 30 años desde que se legalizó el aborto en España. Dos millones cien mil seres humanos han sido exterminados legalmente desde entonces. ¿No te parece una cifra espeluznante? La media es ...
New York: LGTB Extremists Attack the Orange CitizenGO Bus Breaking Windows
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The violence launched by LGTB extremists in Spain against the orange bus of already has imitators in the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, concretely in the city of New York. The #Free...
Man Arrested for Threatening to Kill Pro-Life Advocates Outside Abortion Clinic |
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Police in Florida arrested a man after he allegedly threatened to kill a pro-life sidewalk counselor outside a St. Petersburg abortion clinic. WFLA News reports police arrested Bradley J. Palmer, 1...
The Islam Catastrophe Continues
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Rafael de Godoy
Former FBI special agent John Guandolo has written a strong and sobering essay at his website, UnderstandingTheThreat, called“Unfit for Duty.” It argues that two senior Trump administration officia...
Acuchillan a sacerdote en el cuello antes de celebrar Misa
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MELBOURNE, 24 Mar. 17 / 06:05 pm (ACI).- El P. Tomy Kalathoor Mathew, en la Arquidiócesis de Melbourne (Australia) fue recientemente acuchillado en el cuello momentos antes de empezar a celebrar la...
Radicales LGTB atacan el bus de HO en Nueva York rompiendo el parabrisas con un bate de béisbol
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Esta jueves se presentaba en Nueva York el #FreeSpeechBus de CitizenGO, la plataforma de participación internacional lanzada en 2013 por Este autobús cuenta con el apoyo de dos import...
Convicted Terrorist Who Led ‘Women’s March’ Rasmea Odeh Stripped of Her U.S citizenship and Deported
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Convicted terrorist and left wing activist icon Rasmea Odeh to be deported to Jordan. She rose to prominence following her involvement with the Women’s March and organizer for another recent anti-t...
BREAKING: Several injured after shooting in Lille, France
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Voice of Europe
Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...
Former Muslim: Islamists Emboldened by PC Culture (MUST WATCH!)
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Jack Flack Daily
Women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali explained Islamists aren’t concerned with whether a society accepts their culture or not. “I think that if you look at the Islamists they don’t go to the lib...
ISIS arrests in Northern Virginia reveal jihadi threat near seat of U.S. government
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Editor: Vlad Rothstein| Tactical Investor[color-box color=”red”] Before we get to the article at hand many might ask why we cover political and health issues when our main focus in the stock market...
The conservative theory of marriage just got blown apart
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Homey in Chief
A great fraction of conservatives and centrists in Washington, D.C., are obsessed with poor people's relative lack of marriage. They look at social dysfunction among the lower classes, conclude tha...
NOT GOOD: Flynn Didn't Sign Ethics Pledge
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Diego Augusto
Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn did not sign an ethics pledge, despite assurances by President Trump that all White House employees would formally agree to refrain from partaking in ...
Campagne 2017: Anvers – Où en est la liberté religieuse dans le monde ?
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F.Javier Gutierrez
L’Aide à l’Église en Détresse publie tous les deux ans le «Rapport sur la liberté religieuse dans le monde ». Le rapport 2016 est disponible en intégralité sur « Su...
Gorsuch v. Death, Inc.
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Catholic League
St. Augustine, who has not been nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court, made a straightforward argument against a right to suicide. Neil Gorsuch, who has been nominated, makes a subtler argument again...
Woodward: Obama Officials Could Face Criminal Charges Over Unmasking Scheme
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Jack Flack Daily
Veteran journalist Bob Woodward said Obama administration officials could face criminal charges for unmasking names of Trump transition’s team from the surveillance of foreign officials. In an inte...
Who Needs a Shadow Government when You have the GOP? » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
When Barack Hussein Obama took the presidential oath of office in 2009, I expressed more than once in this space the concern that we would never be able to get rid of him. To clarify: By the time O...
Source: ICE targeting 'sanctuary cities' with raids
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Missy America
The judge's comments came as he questioned an ICE agent about a recent unrelated arrest. Austin said that in a late January meeting, local ICE officials told him and another federal judge that an u...
BREAKING: Two more 'significant' arrests made over Westminster attack
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Voice of Europe
Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...
La Sexta equipara el autobus de HO al atentado de Londres
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El diario Hispanidad que dirige Eulogio López ha realizado un oportuno comentario sobre el doble rasero informativo que se ha aplicado en algunos medios de comunicación, comparando el inexistente a...
By Continuing Obama’s War In Yemen, Donald Trump Is Putting America At Risk
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True Pundit
Do our military interventions in the Middle East create more terrorists than they kill? That question was raised by Senator Rand Paul at a recent hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, ...
Adrian Elms was a violent Christian before he became Muslim terrorist Khalid Masood
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Archbishop Cranmer
Through the modern geopolitical lens of Western categorical convenience, the world’s countries are invariably ascribed a religion, or at least identified by majority ethnic religious adherence. Hen...
Black Lives Matter & The African Supremacist Movement Are Being Used To Expand Islam Throughout The US » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
When I was referenced to research Yusra Khogali of Black Lives Matter by my colleague at The Right Scoop, I instantlyknew that I would find a connect to a Muslim revolutionary project. Only last we...
The New Hallmarks Of Domestic Islamic Terrorism
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Voice of Europe
The number of domestic Islamic terrorist plots and attacks in the U.S. fell by nearly 50 percent between 2015 and 2016, but a higher percentage of extremists actively plotted their own attacks rath...
Siding with the “religion of peace”: Obama, Bush, Brzezinski…
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Julio Severo
Siding with the “religion of peace”: Obama, Bush, Brzezinski… Barack Obama, in his biography “The Audacity of Hope,” says about Muslims, “I will stand with them should the political winds shift in ...
Egyptian President Sisi to Visit White House, Meet Trump in April
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Yacob Yasharahla
The meeting will be al-Sisi’s first visit to Washington since being elected president in 2014. Sisi and Trump first met in September on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, The Gua...
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Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia
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