Monday, April 24, 2017
CP 2017.03.25 wo
Sábado, Mar. 25, 2017
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Conozca la historia de Emilia, la primera gitana beatificada y mártir del rosario
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MADRID, 24 Mar. 17 / 10:17 am (ACI).- El 25 de marzo el Cardenal Angelo Amato, Prefecto para las Causas de los Santos, beatificará en Almería (España) a un grupo de 115 mártires de la persecución r...
March for life, peace and migrants in Tijuana draws 30,000
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Mexico City, Mexico, Mar 22, 2017 / 06:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Some 30,000 people gathered last Sunday for the 17th March for Life, Peace and Migrants in Tijuana, Mexico. Led by the Archbishop of T...
Gabbard's Stop Arming Terrorists Act Introduced in Senate
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Henry Makow
Washington, DC—Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s Stop Arming Terrorists Act has been introduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Rand Paul. The bipartisan legislation (H.R.608 and S.532) would prohibit any Federal...
Inauguran Expovida, una muestra sobre la vida humana y el aborto en España
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MADRID, 24 Mar. 17 / 11:09 am (ACI/Actuall).- Expovida presenta este viernes 24 de marzo en la sede de la Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”, su exposición sobre el desarrollo de...
500 Kids Have Gone Missing in DC in 2017 — Sex Trafficking Fears Have Officials Asking FBI for Help
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Washington, D.C. — A total of 501 juveniles have been reported missing in D.C. since the beginning of the year. This startling number has forced the hands of several officials who’ve written a lett...
Un vídeo con cámara oculta demuestra cómo se infiltró el lobby LGTB en Disney
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El poderoso lobby gay, que controla buena parte de la industria del ocio en EEUU, hace tiempo que ha puesto sus ojos sobrela factoría de Blancanieves, Bambi o Pinocho. La mayor fábrica de sueños pa...
Pope Francis Tells EU Leaders: Populism Is 'Egotism'
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J. Carlos ن 🇮🇱קדוש
In his address to more than 20 European heads of state assembled in Rome for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome that marked the beginning of the European E...
Islam and the Jihad in London
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Dr. Marty Fox
It was a careful choice of words, Bernard Lewis being nothing if not careful. In 2004, the West audibly gasped when its preeminent scholar of Islam famously told the German newspaper Die Welt,“Euro...
ObamaCare's Nagging Longevity
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Michael Johns
Haaretz reporter Amir Tibon did a numerical analysis of the report earlier this month and discovered two astounding facts. First, the document “devotes 141 pages to the human rights situation in Is...
US acknowledges its forces were behind airstrike on Mosul
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Dykstra Dame
BAGHDAD (AP) — An airstrike targeting Islamic State militants in the Iraqi city of Mosul that witnesses say killed at least 100 people was in fact launched by the U.S. military, American officials ...
Baltimore In ‘Crisis’ Due To Officer Shortage After Months Of Anti-Police Policies
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Excerpted From Breitbart: After months of pressure from city and county officials heaped upon the Baltimore Police Department and repeated attempts to hamper police work in the city, the ranks have...
How Democrats React to Islamic Terror Attacks... EVERY SINGLE TIME [Cartoon]
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RNR Wyoming
In a horrifying terror attack in London yesterday, a man plowed into a crowd of innocent people then crashed into Parliament where he murdered an officer before finally being killed. The police had...
At least 34 dead after 'suicide bombers' attack Brussels Airport
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Cowering under desks and running for their lives, this is the terrifying moment passengers were caught up in an ISIS suicide bomb attack at Brussels Airport today in a series of blasts that have ki...
Carabinera de Temuco fue agredida por conductor en medio de fiscalización
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Mario Uac Temuco
Afectada, con rabia y con una licencia médica quedó la Cabo 1ero. de Carabineros de la 2da. Comisaría “Temuco”, Katherine Álvarez Villarroel, quien a las 12 .25 horas del día de hoy mientras realiz...
Carta no tumba gobierno por Alfredo Michelena - A Todo Momento
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Miguel H Otero
Hablar de la Carta Democrática Interamericana (CDI) se ha convertido en un “retornello ad nauseam”. Cada día, dirigentes de la oposición nos repiten que hay que aplicar la CDI para liberarnos de M...
Islamistas salen a la calle en París al grito de "Alá es grande"
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Cientos de islamistas han salido a las calles en el noroeste de París para protestar por el cierre de una mezquita ilegaldel centro de la pequeña localidad de Clichy-la-Garenne en los Hauts-de-Sein...
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones backs off ‘Pizzagate’ claims
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Henry Makow
Alex Jones, the conspiracy-loving media personality, apologized Friday for his role in promoting “Pizzagate,” the baseless viral story that a Washington pizza restaurant was the locale of a child s...
VENEZUELA: OEA debatirá en dos ocasiones sobre Venezuela - El Nuevo País y Zeta
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Cuba Opinión
Inicio > Internacionales | Publicado el Sabado, 25 de Marzo del 2017 VENEZUELA: OEA debatirá en dos ocasiones sobre Venezuela - El Nuevo País y Zeta Noticias Relacionadas: Venezuela, En, Segunda, E...
¿PREOCUPADITO? Maduro conversó con sus homólogos de México y Panamá sobre caso OEA - Q' Pasa en Venezuela
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Cuba Opinión
El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, rechazó el debate previsto en la OEA sobre posibles sanciones contra Venezuela en conversaciones telefónicas con sus homólogos de México, Enrique Peña...
Merkel-Fillon, ¿la nueva santa alianza contra el populismo?
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Angela Merkely François Fillon pueden formar ticket electoral de liberales y conservadores para frenar a los partidos populistas; la ‘otra’ diversidad en los colegios españoles, conclusiones del se...
¿Quién tuvo la osadía de subirse a caballito del líder de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong-un? - A Todo Momento
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Miguel H Otero
La prueba de un nuevo motor de propulsión a chorro de alto rendimiento realizada en Corea del Norte el pasado domingo estuvo acompañada por la usual propaganda estatal. Sin embargo, una fotografía ...
Gobernador de Nueva York ordena abrir investigación por panfletos racistas
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Cuba Opinión
“Voy a ordenar a la policía estatal que trabaje con la policía local para hacer una exhaustiva investigación que halle a los responsables de distribuir esos panfletos repugnantes y determine si est...
¡Terrible! Periodista mexicana es asesinada de ocho tiros (Video)
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Cuba Opinión
La periodista mexicana Miroslava Breach fue asesinada a tiros cuando salía de su casa en Chihuahua, capital del estado homónimo, confirmaron hoy a Efe fuentes oficiales. El ataque se produjo alrede...
Svezia: 1 donna su 4 stuprata, nel 90% dei casi da immigrati
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#JeSuisAsiaBibi ن
La Svezia ha importatoun gran numero di immigrati musulmani con effetti catastrofici. La popolazione della Svezia è cresciuta da 9 a 9.5 milioni negli anni 2004-2012, soprattutto a causa dell’immig...
Desconcierto globalista por los recortes de Trump en la ONU
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Roxana Rojas Carreno
Los recortes propuestos por el nuevo presidente de los Estados Unidos buscan “desestabilizar” el mundo. Trump anunció una reducción cercana al 50% de las contribuciones norteamericanas a las Nacion...
Perspective | Why does Donald Trump demonize cities?
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Josh Speed
Tomasz Walenta for The Washington Post President Trump is a big-city guy. He made his fortune in cities and keeps his family in a Manhattan tower. But when Trump talks about cities, he presents a f...
John McCain’s “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Broadcast—Now Found and Released!
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Henry Makow
“For whatever it may be worth, the McCain U.S. News and World Report article is here” I don’t know about you, but a first person account given by McCain within two months of his release (shown gett...
Putin’s Olympic Controversy
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Julio Severo
Putin’s Olympic Controversy Cover story of the March issue of Decision magazine, published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association According to a recent article from Politico, Americans hold t...
Palestinian evangelical in ‘propaganda tour’ of Brazil
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Julio Severo
A Christian leader in Brazil says he’s alarmed by what he regards as a campaign by evangelicals to spread pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli propaganda. Julio Severo, a pro-family activist and blogge...
» La UDI proclama al ex Presidente Piñera como carta presidencial del partidoEl Demócrata
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El Demócrata
Luego del anuncio del pasado martes en el que el ex Presidente Sebastián Piñera oficializó su postulación como candidato presidencial, la UDI lo proclamó esta tarde para que sea el representante de...
120,733 Asylum Applications in Jan/Feb 2017, says EU - The New Observer
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Voice of Europe
At least 120,733 Third World invaders pretending to be asylum seekers lodged applications across the 28 member states of the European Union in January and February 2017, the European Asylum Support...
Whistleblower Has Proof Obama Spied on 156 Judges and Businessmen (Video) | Politics
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The Last Great Stand
The dishonest media may be continuing to ignore and deride Obamagate, but this is one scandal that they won’t be able to cover up with their 24/7 news cycle. More and more evidence continues to val...
Islamic Terrorist and Women's March Leader Rasmea Odeh will be Deported & Lose US Citizenship » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
Rasmea Odeh, 69, is a member of a designatedPalestinian terror group and leader of “A Day Without a Woman” march has pleaded guilty to a crime and will lose her US citizenship and be deported from ...
BREAKING: Casualties feared after gas explosion rips through building
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Voice of Europe
Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Daily Horoscope Our Apps Top 10 Our Paper Paper Archive HOME Ne...
"Fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell" - LA TERRA PROMESSA
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Angelo Freda
Scripture: Matthew 10:24-33 24 “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master; 25 it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master. If the...
Westminster Attacker Fueled by Religious Hatred, Converted to Islam in Prison
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Voice of Europe
After leaving prison the 54-year-old convinced his elder daughter, now a Muslim who wears a full face veil, to convert to Islam and his attempts to convert the other daughter caused a “family strug...
Bollards and barricades pop up in central London following Westminster attack (VIDEO)
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Voice of Europe
The new defenses have been erected in the City of Westminster to make it more difficult for an attacker using a vehicle to ram into people. “They are not oppressive and they are here for our securi...
Climate Change Caused Brexit Explains Al Gore…
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Ƭαвιтнα Ɓℓιѕѕ ❤
This is what Al Gore and his fellow climate cultists refer to as “settled science”. Gore, who was speaking at an event to promote his latest global warming propaganda documentary – An Inconvenient ...
Paramedics Forced to Wheel Woman Injured in Botched Abortion Through Back Alley of Trash and Dumpsters |
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When an ambulance was summoned on Wednesday to the Red River Women’s Clinic abortion facility in Fargo, North Dakota, paramedics discovered that the gurney they used could not fit in the front door...
‘Give Rome back to Romans’: Far-right rally blasts EU ‘tyranny’ ahead of union celebrations (VIDEO)
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Voice of Europe
The rally, which was called by the anti-immigrant Forze Nuova (New Force) group, saw participants gathering in the historic Primavalle quarter of Rome to chant anti-EU slogans and brandish Italian ...
EU President Tusk warns of complete breakdown of the Union post-Brexit
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Voice of Europe
EU President Donald Tusk has warned that the European Union could break down completely after Brexit, at a summit to mark the organisation's 60th anniversary. Tusk called for leadership to steer Eu...
Daesh 'Demon' Lingers to Haunt Europe Despite Imminent Defeat in Middle East
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Voice of Europe
In 2016, the amount ofterritory controlled by Daesh in Iraq and Syria decreased by around a quarter to 60.4 thousand sq. km, the Russian ambassador to Syria Alexander Kinshchak told Sputnik earlier...
Denmark stops contributions to women who prefer burqa or niqab over job
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Voice of Europe
Denmark sends a clear message to Muslim women: If you refuse to take a job where you can not wear the burqa or the niqab, social benefits end. The Danish Government refers to the ECJ ruling of Marc...
Italy: ANOTHER VEHICULAR JIHAD ATTACK as Muslim Migrant Drives at Police, Stabs Officer - Geller Report
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Voice of Europe
It’s every day now. Every day. And still we are being clubbed over the head about “islamophobia.” “Italy: ‘North African’ Arrested After Driving at Police, Stabbing Officer,” by Liam Deacon, Breitb...
Como vivem os cristãos no Iêmen
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Portas Abertas
O 9º país da atual Lista Mundial da Perseguição, Iêmen, que fica no Oriente Médio, especificamente na extremidade sudoeste da Península Arábica, acolheu o reino de Sabá nos tempos bíblicos, onde o ...
UK Arrests 11 Other Muslims over London Attack - Geller Report
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Abrahão Cavalcante
The officer, wearing a balaclava and helmet, is seen in the back garden of a suburban house during a raid in Birmingham yesterday. The raid was one of a series carried outaround the country by anti...
Polish pro-lifers roll out Hospitals without Abortionists initiative
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WARSAW, Poland, March 24, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Organizers launched a Hospitals without Abortionists campaign by reminding the Polish minister of health that there have been “1,500 victims of abort...
Secret Government Trucks? These “Nuclear Convoys Use Unmarked 18-Wheelers on U.S. Highways” » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
They are armed and ready to detonate from countless secure locations across the world. But they still have to be transported there, and sometimes the U.S. government (and other governments) moves t...
String of Dead Russians Continues As Witness and Putin Critic Executed: “Typical Show Execution” » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
What can you tell about the state of relations from a string of deaths? At home in the U.S., the rhetoric against Vladimir Putin has never been stronger. The hacking narrative continues to be in us...
VIDEO Peel School Board: Outraged Parents near Revolt against Muslim Prayer in Schools » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
Parents almost riot when their opposition against Muslim prayers in the school is ignored. There should be no religion in the schools. These parents are at a boiling point — and I predict you’ll be...
Sanctuary Schools Targeted for Sedition Prosecution » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
A campaign is ramping up that is targeting eleven “sanctuary schools” in California that are known to be a safe haven for illegal immigrants. The man behind the campaign is threatening the schools ...
Artificial Distinction: Theresa May says “Islamist” London attack “not Islamic,” “perversion of a great faith” » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
I have written about this in the past here. Essentially, what does it mean to say that someone or something is “Islamist” as opposed to “Islamic”? Nothing, really, except that the person speaking d...
Muslim Atrocities Against Americans Didn't Start on September 11, 2001 » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
“I have not yet begun to fight!” shouted John Paul Jones when the captain of the 50-gun British frigate HMS Serapis taunted him to surrender. Their ships were so close their cannons scraped and mas...
France's Marine Le Pen Takes Down Liberal Reporter: "People have no Confidence in the Media Whatsoever" » Sons of Liberty Media
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The Sons of Liberty
1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert; particularly, a combination to commit treason, or excite sedition or insurrec...
Bispo do Iraque diz que EI conseguiu o fim do cristianismo no seu país
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Gospel Prime
O bispo anglicano Andrew White, mais conhecido pelo apelido “Vigário de Bagdá”, vem fazendo um alerta para o desaparecimento do cristianismo no Iraque. “A hora chegou, a história do cristianismo no...
Un plan diabólicamente orquestado busca expulsar a Dios de la sociedad, alerta Arzobispo
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BUENOS AIRES, 25 Mar. 17 / 11:39 am (ACI).- El Arzobispo Emérito de Corrientes en Argentina, Mons. Domingo Salvador Castagna, advirtió que las recientes agresiones contra las catedrales de Buenos A...
Cristianismo e Política + Christianity and Politics + União multi-denominacional (evangélicos, católicos, etc) em defesa dos valores cristãos e da democracia
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